Yesterday I had some great news. I received a phone call that I had been waiting for over 2 years and, instead of jumping around in happiness, I cried. They were happy tears, I suppose it gives me the closure that I so desperately needed, but also reminded me that my problems are not solved yet, this was only round 1.
Even if my legal status has changed, my mental one is exactly the same.
For example, a few days ago someone’s FB status changed to “in a relationship” and it suddenly struck me that people’s lives also keep moving forward, on the other hand sometimes I get the feeling that, by trying to move on, I’m throwing away the life I had until now, close to the family and with quite a nice group of friends, for a new job that is probably not going to pay any better and will force me to start over once again.

On a completely different topic, I've just spent part of the afternoon watching the movie "Crash". I haven't got a clue about movies, the proof is that I've spent the last year trying to catch up on must see movies and I still have a long way to go, but this one definitely impressed me. Wow!
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