Why can´t people be straightforward and say what they think, do what they believe it’s best and stop conspiring against everyone else; stop thinking that everyone has something to hide and just get on with their lives. Some of us have things to hide, not because they are worth hiding, just out of sheer embarrassment, and I probably always will until I learn how to laugh at myself, but that’s not likely to happen soon, so I’ll keep a bit of mystery about myself for now...

All this comes to my mind after watching The Ghost Writer. I only watched it because I had nothing better to do, and the sight of Ewan McGregor for 2 hours didn’t seem like such a bad idea, but I quickly got tired of all the mystery, spying, etc. Although I should have expected it, I get really tired of all this cold war American conspiracy theories that the CIA controls everything, knows everything and will kill to avoid the truth getting out (I’ve probably just butchered the movie if you haven’t watched it), but come on!!! Still, to be fair I have to say the movie is not bad, I just wasn't in the mood for that kind of story.

On the other hand, lately I’ve been watching The Big Bang Theory. It’s funny to watch a bunch of socially inadequate geeks interact with the rest of the world. I suppose everybody picks a favourite character on shows like this. In this case I think Sheldon is the best, his conversation skills are like reading a textbook on social conventions, just great. It must be my own insecurities that make me sympathise with the characters... I don’t know, but I’m getting addicted. And I don’t care if my flatmate thinks it’s a guy’s show. I tend to agree with my sister who once said that she’s happy that she works with machines, because people are too complicated.
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